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O.U. 5513 (2)44 "
Corrected to 18th JANUARY, 1944
[Crown Copyright reserved]
Officers and others who may notice errors or omissions in the List are invited to communicate direct with
The Secretary of the Admiralty, (Editor of the Navy List) London, S.W.I,
mentioning the ship or page affected.
Such communications should be marked "On His Majesty's Service," and need not be stamped.
The Seniority Ldsts of Officers on the Retired, cS-c, Lists will appear annually in the July issue of the Navy List. Otherwise this Navy List includes all ■retired and emergency officers serving.
The rates of pay, regulations, &-c., are contained is a separate publication entitled "Appendix to the Navy List," which appears in June and December.
No appointments made after the 18th of the month preceding publication can be inserted in the Navy List until the following List is published.
Officers who succeed to peerages, baronetcies, or courtesy titles should immediately notify the same to the Secretary of the Admiralty, in order that the necessary alterations may be made in the Navy List and in the Official Records of the Admiralty.
The degrees shown after Officers' names in the Navy List are not necessarily a complete list of the Degrees held, but generally speaking are confined to degrees of an honorary nature conferred specially upon an Officer and degrees which are so related to the professional duties of an Officer as to give some indication of his professional qualifications.
The Navy List is compiled and published by order of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty for the convenience of the Service ; -but, as errors may occasionally occur, their Lordships must expressly reserve their right to determine the status of any Officer according to the actual circtimstances of the case, independently of any Entry in the Navy List.
By command of their Lordships,
The free advertisements regarding Charities, cS-c, appear at the back of the Navy List.
Abbreviations ....
Accountant Officers, List of, in
Seniority .....
Accountant Officers who have served
or are serving as Secretaries . Accountant Officers of R.N.R. and R.N.V.R. who have served or are serving as Secretaries . Acting Paymaster Sub-Lieutenants, List of .... .
Acting Sub-Lieutenants, List of, in Seniority ..... Acting Sub-Lieutenants (A), List of, in Seniority ....
Acting Sub-Lieutenants (E), List of, in Seniority ....
Active List —
Alphabetical List of Officers on . List of Officers on, in Seniority Admiral Commanding Reserves,
Office of 1073
Admirals, List of, in Seniority . . 805
Admirals of the Fleet, List of, in
Seniority . .... 804
Admiralty- —
Aircraft Maintenance and Repair
Department . . . .1927
Air Equipment Department . 1927 Airfields and Carrier Require- ments Department . .1926 Anti-Submarine Materiel De- partment .... 1919 Anti-Submarine Warfare
Division .... 1885 Anti-U-Boat Division . .1884 Armament Supply Department . 1909 Boom Defences Department .1912 Chaplain of the Fleet . .1894 Civil Engineer-in-Chief, Dept. of 1928 Coastal Forces Materiel Depart- ment 1923
Combined Operations Division .1888 Combined Operations Material
Department. . . .1913 Combined Operations Personnel. 1896 Compass Department . . 1917 Contract and Purchase Depart- ment 1932
Dental Examining Board . . 1940
Department of Superintendent of De-magnetisation . . .1912
Admiralty — contd. page
Director of Dockyards, Depart- ment of . . . .1917 Economic Warfare Division . 1886 Education Department . .1895 Electrical Engineering Depart- ment 1901
Engineer-in-Chief, Department of 1899 Fourth Sea Lord's Office (Mails) 1924 Greenwich Hospital Department 1928 Gunnery and Anti-Aircraft War- fare Division . . .1890 Hydrographic Department .1891 Judicial Department, Jurisdiction
of 2014
Ivocal Defence Division . .1884
Medical Consultative Board .1940 Medical Department . .1894
Medical Examining Board . 1 940
Merchant Shipbuilding and Re- pairs, Departments of . . 1930 Minesweeping Division . .1885 Miscellaneous Weapon Develop- ment Department . .1921 Naval Air Organisation Division 1889 Naval Air Warfare and Fl5dng
Training Division . . .1889
Naval Construction Departmentl896 Naval Equipment Department .1913 Naval Intelligence Division .1881
Naval Meteorological Branch .1892 Naval Ordnance Department .1902 Naval Recruiting Department .1894 Naval Reserves Department .1073 Naval Staff Divisions of . .1881
Naval Store Department . . 1924
Net Defence Department . .1912
Operations Division . . . 1886
Pattern Rooms . . .1932
Paymaster Director-General, De- partment of ... 1895 Physical Training and Sports,
Department of . . . 1894
Personal Services Department .1893 Plans Division . . .1883
Plans Division (Q) . . .1884
Press Division . . .1928
Principal British Naval Liaison
Officer to Allied Navies . . 1893
Radio Equipment Department . 1920 Royal Marine Office . . .985
Salvage Department . . 1914
Admiralty — contd.
Scientific Research and Experi- ment Department . .1915 Secretary s Department . .1879 Second Sea Lord's Office for
Appointments, &c. . . 1893 Signal Department . . .1890 Small Vessels Pool . . .1922 Torpedoes and Mining Depart- ment 1911
Trade Division . . . .1885
Training and Staff Duties
Division . . . .1888
Unexploded Bomb Disposal De- partment . . . .1922 Victualling Department . .1926 Women's Royal Naval Service
Headquarters . . .1 933
Wreck Dispersal Department .1923 Admiralty, Lords Commissioners of
the 803, 1877
Admiralty of Great Britain, and
Ireland, Jurisdiction of . .2014
Admiralty Recruiting Service, Officers
employed on ... . 1072
Admiralty Regional Officers . . 1936
Admiralty Shore Establishments
Cinema Fund Committee . . 1943
Advisory Committee on Naval Chap- laincy Services .... 1942 Agents —
Law .... .2015
Navy 2015
Aides-de-Camp to the King, Naval
and Marine . . . .801
Aircraft Maintenance and Repair
Department . . . .1927
Aircraft Officers, Commissioned and
Warrant, List of, in Seniority . 945
Aircraft Repair Yards . . . 1961
Air Equipment Department . . 1927
Airfields and Carrier Requirements
Department . . . .1926
Air Mechanic Warrant, List of, in
Seniority ..... 947 Air Stations, Air Sections, and Air- craft Repair Yards Royal Naval, at Home and Abroad . . . 2026
Almanac, Nautical, Office of . . 1937
Alphabetical Index of Officers—
Of Royal Naval Reserve . .201
Of Royal Naval Volunt-eer
Reserve . . . .351
On the Active List, Royal Navy
and Royal Marines and Retired
and Emergency Officers serving 1
Women's Royal Naval Service . 751
Civilian Officers . . .1851
Alphabetical List of Ships and Vessels of the Royal Navy, with their Officers . . . . .2051 Anti-Submarine Experimental Estab- lishment 1985
Anti-Submarine Materiel Departmentl919 Anti-Submarine Warfare Division . 1885 Anti-U-Boat Division . . . 1884
Area Cash Offices .... 1962 Armament Depots .... 1973 Assessors for Shipping Casualties .2015 Assessors under Supreme Court of
Judicature Act . . . . 20 1 4
Attaches, Naval . . . .1937
AustraUa —
Naval Forces of Commonwealthl627 Establishments of . . .1812 Ships of 2758
Badges Committee, Ships . . 1942
Board of Admiralty . . 803, 1877
Boatswains, Commissioned, List of,
in Seniority .... 933
Boatswain (A/S), Commissioned . 938
Boatswains, Commissioned, Signal,
List of, in Seniority . . . 940
Boatswains, List of, in Seniority . 934 Boatswains, Temporary, List of, in
Seniority ..... 935 Boatswains (A/S), List of, in Seniority 938 Boatswains (A/S), Temporary, List of,
in Seniority .... 938
Boatswains (C/M), Temporary, List of,
in Seniority .... 939
Boatswains (PRT), Temporary, List of 939 Boatswains (F/F), Temporary, List of,
in Seniority .... 940
Boatswains, Signal, List of, in Seniority 941 Boatswains, Signal, Temporary, List
of, in Seniority . . . .941 Boom Defence Depots . . . 1981 Burma R.N. V.R 1810
Cadet Committee, Inter-Service |
.1943 |
Cadet Corps, Volunteer . |
.1591 |
Cadets, Naval, List of |
. 864 |
Canada — |
Naval Forces of |
.1694 |
EstabUshments of |
.1812 |
Ships of . |
.2784 |
Captains, List of, in Seniority . |
. 810 |
Captains (A), List of, in Seniority . 865 Captains (E), List of, in Seniority 872
Ceylon, Royal Naval
Reserve Changes on the Retired List Chaplain of the Fleet Chaplain of the Fleet, Office of.
.1807 .2882 . 891 .1895
Chaplaincy Services Committee .
Chaplains —
To the King
Honorary, to the King
List of, in Seniority .
Other Temporary
Roman Catholic
. 1942
. 802 . 802 . 891 . 892 . 893 . 892
Chaplains of the Royal Navy holding
Greenwich Hospital Livings . .2011
Chemical Board .... 1939 Chemical Defence Experimental
Station, Porton . . .1940
Chief Adviser on Operational Research 1933 Chief Industrial Adviser to the Board 1933 Cinema Fund Committee, Admiralty
Shore Establishments . . . 1943
Civil Consultants . . . .1941
Civil Engineer-in-Chief, Dept. of . 1928 Civilian Of&cers, Alphabetical Index. 1851 Coastal Forces Materiel Department. 1923 Colleges —
Royal Naval College, Eaton .2009 Royal Naval College, Greenwich . 2008 Royal Naval Engineering College, Keyham . . . .2010
Combined Operations Division. .1888
Combined Operations Headquarters . 1935 Combined Operations Material De- partment .... .1913 Combined Operations Personnel . 1 196 Commanders, List of, in Seniority . 815 Commanders (A), List of, in Seniority. 865 Commanders (E), List of, in Seniority 873 Commissioned Aircraft Officers, List
of, in Seniority |
945 |
,, Boatswains |
933 |
Cooks |
982 |
Electricians |
964 |
Engineers . |
951 |
Gunners . |
919 |
, Masters-at-Arms |
944 |
Ordnance Officers |
962 |
Photographer . |
947 |
Royal Marine Gunnen |
1032 |
Shipwrights |
947 |
Signal Boatswains |
940 |
Stewards . |
983 |
, Supply Officers . |
979 |
Telegraphists |
942 |
Wardmasters |
974 |
Writers |
976 |
Commissioners for Executing Office ol |
Lord |
High Admiral, &c. . 803, |
1877 |
Compass Department . . .1917
Constructors, Royal Corps of Naval . 1946 Consultants, Civil .... 1931 Contract and Purchase Department,
Admiralty 1932
Controlled Mining Bases . . . 1984
Cooks, Commissioned and Warrant,
List of, in Seniority . . . 982
Cooks, Temporary Warrant . . 982
Courses, Officers Undergoing . .2741
Deaths, Removals, &c. . . .2872
De-magnetisation Department . .1912
Dental Examining Board . . 1940
Director of Navy Accounts . .1879
Distinctions, Honorary . . . xix
Dockyard Department . . .1917
Dockyard Schools Teaching Staff .2010 Dockyards, Principal and other
Officers in the . . . . 1948
Dockyards of the Dominions . .1812
Royal Indian Navy .2871 Dominion Naval Forces —
Australia. . . . .1627
Canada .... .1694
Naval Establishments . .1812
New Zealand . . . .1770
South Africa . . . .1788
Eaton, Royal Naval College . .2009
Education Department . . . 1895
Educational Establishments . .2008
Electrical Engineering Department .1901 Electrical Lieutenants, List of, in
Seniority ..... 918 Electricians, Commissioned and War- rant, List of, in Seniority . . 964 Engineer Captains, List of, in Seniority 872 Engineer Commanders, List of, in
Seniority ..... 873 Engineer-in-Chief of the Fleet . . 872
Engineer-in-Chief, Department of . 1899 Engineer Lieutenant-Commanders,
List of, in Seniority . . . 876
Engineer Lieutenants, Temporary,
List of, in Seniority . . . 887
Engineer Officers who have passed
through Special Course of Training,
&c 2746
Engineer Overseers and Staff . . 1900
Engineer Rear-Admirals, List of, in
Seniority ..... 872 Engineers, Commissioned and Warrant,
List of, in Seniority . . .951
Engineers, Temporary Warrant, List
of, in Seniority .... 957 Equerries, Naval, to the King . .801
Family Welfare Sections . . 1943
Flag Officers in Commission . .2016
Flag Officers, List of, in Seniority . 804 Fleet Auxiliaries, &c. . . . 2733
Foreign Government, Officer lent to . 1937 Foreign Languages, Officers qualified
as Interpreters in . . .2747
Fourth Sea Lord's Office (Mails) .1924 French Ships commissioned as Ships
ofH.M. Navy . . . .2727
Gambia Naval Volunteer Force .1802 Gold Coast Naval Volunteer Force .1802 Greenwich Hospital Department . 1928 Greenwich Hospital Livings held by
Chaplains of the Royal Navy .2011
Greenwich, Royal Naval College .2008 Greenwich, Royal Observatory. .1937
Gunners, Commissioned, List of, in
Seniority . . . . 919
Gunners, Commissioned, Royal
Marine, List of, in Seniority . . 1032
Gunners, promoted before \st October,
1937, List of, in Seniority . .921
Gunners, promoted on and after \st
October, 1937, List of, in Seniority . 922 Gunners, Temporary, List of, in
Seniority . . . . .925
Gunners (T), promoted on and after
1st October, 1937, List of, in Seniority 928 Gunners (T), Temporary, List of, in
Seniority ..... 930 Gxinnery School, Portsmouth [see
under ' Excellent ')
Harbour Service, Ships on . . 2740
Harbour Service, Small Steam Vessels,
Tugs, &c., employed on . .2733
Headmaster Commanders . .918
Headmaster Lieutenant-Commanders,
List of, in Seniority . . .918
Headmaster Lieutenants, List of, in
Seniority . _. . . . 918
Headquarters Staff of Royal Marines. 985 Holbrook, Royal Hospital School .2011 Home Base Ledger Office . . 1037
Hong Kong Naval Volunteer Force . 1803 Honorary Chaplains to the King . 802 Honorary Distinctions . . . xix
Honorary Officers in His Majesty's
Fleet .' 802
Honorary Physicians to the King . 802 Hono] ary Surgeons to the King . 802
Hospitals, Naval- —
List of, with their Officers . . 1990
Pharmacists at . . . .2013
Hydrographic Department, Admiralty 1891
Hydrographic Duties, Officers engaged
upon 2753
Imperial Defence College, Officers who
have taken course at . . ,2745
Indian Navy, Royal {see Royal
Indian Navy). Instructor Rear-Admiral . . . 893
Institutes, Navjr, Army and Air Forcel942 Instructor Captains, List of, in
Seniority .... Instructor Commanders, List of.
Seniority .... Instructor Lieutenant-Commanders
List of, in Seniority Instructor Lieutenants, List of, ii
Seniority .... Instructor Lieutenants, Temporary
List of, in Seniority Interpreters, Officers qualified as
893 894
895 2747
Judge Advocate of the Fleet . . 2014
Judicial Department . . .2014
Justice, High Court of. Admiralty Division . . . . .2014
Kenya, R.N.V.R 1801
King's Chaplain .... 802 King's Honorary Chaplains . . 802
King's Honorary Physicians and
Surgeons ..... 802 King's Naval, Marine, R.N.R. and
R.N.V.R. Aides-de-Camp . . 801
King's Naval Equerries . . .801
Laundry Superintendents, |
Royal |
Naval Hospitals . |
.2013 |
Law Agents . |
.2015 |
Law Officers . |
.2014 |
Lecture Library |
.2011 |
Lent to Foreign Government, Officer. 1937 Lieutenant-Commanders, List of, in Seniority 823
Lieutenant-Commanders, Temporary,
List of, in Seniority . . . 836
Lieutenant-Commanders (A), List of
in Seniority .... 866
Lieutenant-Commanders (A), Tem- porary, List of, in Seniority . . 866 Lieutenant-Commanders (E), List of,
in Seniority .... 876
Lieutenant-Commander (E), Tem- porary, List of, in Seniority . . 878 Lieutenants —
List of, in Seniority . . . 836
Temporary .... 855
(A) 866
-at-Arms .... 855
(E) List of, in Seniority . . 878
(E) Temporary, List of, in
Seniority . . . .884
Electrical . . . .918
Ordnance . . . .917
Shipwright . . .917
Signal . . . .855
Telegraphist . . . 855
Wardmaster . . .918
Livings, Greenwich Hospital, held by
Chaplains of the Royal Navy . . 20 1 1
Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty 803
Marine Aides-de-Camp to the King . 801
Marines, Royal {see Royal Marines) .
Masters-at-Arms, Commissioned and Warrant, Lists of, in Seniority . 944
Mechanical Training Establishments, Chatham {see under ' Pembroke ') Devonport {see under ' Drake ') Portsmouth {see under ' Victory ') Rosyth {see under ' Cochrane ')
Mechanicians, Warrant, List of, in Seniority . . . . .961
Medical Consultative Board . . 1940
Medical Director-General . . 897
Medical Director-General, Department of 1894
Medical Establishments, Principal and other Officers of the . . . 1990
Medical Examining Board . .1940
Medical Officers —
Employed on Recruiting Servicel072 List of, in Seniority . . . 897
Meteorology, Officers qualified in, after 12 weeks' course . . .2755
Methodist Chaplains . . . 892
Midshipmen, List of, in Seniority . 859
Midshipmen (E), List of, in Seniority 889
Mine Depots 1979
Music, Royal Naval School of . .1034
Nautical Almanac Office. . .1937
Naval Aides-de-Camp to the King . 801 Naval Air Organisation Division .1889 Naval Air Warfare and Flying
Training Division . . .1889
Naval Armament Depots . . 1973
Naval Attaches . . . .1937
Naval Barracks, Chatham {see under
' Pembroke '). Naval Barracks, Devonport {see under
' Drake '). Naval Barracks, Portsmouth {see
under ' Victory '). Naval Cadets, List of . . . 864
Naval Construction Department . 1896 Naval Constructors, Royal Corps of . 1946 Naval Equerries to the King . .801
Naval Equipment Department . 1913
Naval Intelligence Division of the
Admiralty Naval Staff . .1881
Naval Medical School . . .2009
Naval Meteorological Branch . . 1892
Naval Nursing Service, Queen
Alexandra's Royal —
Nursing StafE . . . .2012
Consultative Board . . .1941
Naval Ordnance Department . . 1902
Naval Recruiting Department . 1894
Naval Reserve, Royal {see Royal
Naval Reserve). Naval StafE, The Admiralty . . 1881
Naval Store Department . . 1924
Naval Store Depots. . . .1962
Naval Torpedo Depots . . . 1979
Navigation School {see under 'Dryad'). Navy Accounts, Director of . . 1879
Navy Agents . . . . .2015
Navy, Army and Air Force Institutes 1942 Net Defence Department . .1912
New Zealand —
Naval Forces of . . .1770
Establishments of . . .1813
Ships of 2851
Nigeria Naval Defence Force . . 1809
Obituary 2872
Observatory, Cape of Good Hope . 1938 Observatory, Royal, Greenwich . 1937 Office of Admiral Commanding Reserves 1073
Office of the Senior Psychologist . 1895 Officer lent to Foreign Government .1937 Operations Division of Naval Staff .1886 Ordnance Board . . . .1938
Ordnance Department . . . 1902
Ordnance Lieutenants, List of, in
Seniority . . . . .917
Ordnance Officers, Commissioned and
Warrant, List of . . . .962
Paymaster Director-General . . 908
Department of . . . .1895
Paymaster Captains, List of, in
Seniority ..... 908 Paymaster Commanders, List of, in
Seniority ..... 908 Paymaster Lieutenant-Commanders,
List of, in Seniority . . .911
Pa5miaster Lieutenants, List of, in
Seniority ..... 913 Paymaster Lieutenant, Temporary . 916 Paymaster Sub-Lieutenants, List of,
in Seniority . . . .916
Paymaster Sub-Lieutenants, Acting,
List of 916
Pa5Tnaster Midshipmen, List of, in
Seniority ..... 917 Personal Services Department . 1893 Pharmacists at Naval Medical Estab- lishments 2013
Photographers, Warrant, List of, in
Seniority ..... 947 Physical Training and Sports Depart- ment 1894
Physical and Recreational Training,
School of {see under 'Victory'). Physicians, Honorary, to the King . 802 Plans Division of Naval Staff . .1883
Plans Division (Q) . . . . 1884
Police Force, Royal Marine . .1035
Port War Signal Stations — Officers
employed at . . . .1074
Porton Experimental Station . .1940
Press Division of Naval Staff. .1928
Principal British Naval Liaison
Officer to Allied Navies . . 1893
Queen Alexandra's Royal Naval Nursing Service —
Nursing Staff . . . .2012
Consultative Board . . .1941
Radio Equipment Department. .1920
Rear-Admiral of the United Kingdom 803
Rear-Admirals, List of, in Seniority . 808 Rear-Admirals (E) . . . . 872
Recruiting Service, Officers employed
on 1072
Recruiters Warrant, List of, in
Seniority ..... 983 Registrars of Royal Naval Reserve .1101 Registry of the Admiralty and Prize
Courts and Marshal's Office. .2014
Removals from the Active List . . 2876
Research Establishment, Sutton Oak,
Lanes 1940
Reserve, Royal Naval {see Royal
Naval Reserve). Reserve, Royal Naval Volunteer {see
Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve). Reserves, Office of Admiral Com- manding .... .1073 Retired List, Changes on . . 2882 Roman Catholic Chaplains . . 892 Royal Corps of Naval Constructors . 1946 Royal Fleet Auxiliaries . . . 2733 Royal Hospital School, Holbrook .2011 Royal Indian Navy —
Officers of, in Seniority . .1814
Naval Establishments of . .2871
Ships 2858
Royal Marines —
19th Royal Marine Battalion . 1071 Royal Marine Boom Defence
Scaffolding Unit . . . 1071
Royal Marine Infantry Training
Centre . . . .1046
Royal Marine Military School . 1036 Royal Marine Technical Training
Depot 1037
Brigades 1041
Chief Schoolmaster . . .1033
Commissioned Gunners . .1032
Commissioned and Warrant
Master Tailors . . .1033
Engineers Headquarters . . 1067
Group M.N.B.D.O. . . .1050
Head Masters .... 1033 Headquarters, Staff of . . . . 985
Officers of, in Seniority . . 986
PoKce 1035
Recruiting Staff Officers . .1072
Schoolmaster .... 1033 Sergeant-Majors . . .1030
Siege Regiment . . .1071
Staff Sergeant-Majors . .1030
Superintending Clerks . . 1031
Royal Naval Air Stations, Air Sec- tions, and Repair Yards at Home and Abroad . . . .2026
Royal Naval Barracks, Chatham
(see under ' Pembroke '). Royal Naval Barracks, Devonport
(see under ' Drake '). Royal Naval Barracks, Portsmouth
(see under ' Victory '). Royal Naval College, Eaton . . 2009
Royal Naval College, Greenwich . 2008 Royal Naval Engineering College,
Keyham 2010
Royal Naval Film Corporation. . 1943
Royal Naval Nursing Service, Queen Alexandra's —
Nursing Staff . . . .2012
Consultative Board . . .1941
Royal Naval Reserve — |
Alphabetical List of Ofi&cers of . 201 |
Australian |
.1642 |
Canadian |
.1706 |
Indian |
.1821 |
New Zealand . |
.1772 |
Officers of, in Seniority |
.1106 |
Registrars of . |
.1101 |
Royal Naval School of Music |
.1034 |
Royal Naval Shore Signal and W |
"■ireless |
Stations, Officers employed a |
t .1075 |
Royal Naval Staff College |
.2009 |
Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve |
> — |
Alphabetical List of Officei |
-sof . 351 |
Australian Division . |
. 1665 |
Burma . |
.1810 |
Cadet Corps |
.1591 |
Canadian |
.1718 |
Ceylon . |
. 1807 |
Indian |
. 1825 |
Kenya |
.1801 |
New Zealand . |
.1774 |
Officers and Honorary Officers of,
in Seniority . . . .1201
South African Forces . .1789
Straits Settlements . . . 1806
Trinidad . . . .1808
Royal Naval War Amenities Fund . 1943
Royal Naval War and Port War
Signal Stations, Officers employed atl074 Royal Naval War College . . 2009
Royal Naval Volunteer (Wireless)
Reserve 1590
Royal Observatory, Greenwich. .1937
Schoolmasters of Commissioned War- rant Rank, List of, in Seniority . 967
Schoolmasters of Warrant Rank, List of, in Seniority .... 969
Schoolmaster Candidates . . 974
School of Music, Royal Naval . . 1034
Schools, Dockyard Teaching Staff .2010 Scientific Research and Experiment
Department . . . .1915 Sea Cadet Corps . . . .1591 Sea Transport Department . . 1944 Second Sea Lord's Ofi&ce for Appoint- ments, &c 1893
Secretaries, Accountant Officers who
have served or are serving as . 906
Secretary's Department . . .1879
Senior Masters, List of, in Seniority . 966 Senior Psychologist — Office of . . 1895
Ships —
Alphabetical List of, with their
Officers . . .2051
Australian . . . .2758
Canadian . . . .2784
Employed on Harbour Service . 2740 French, commissioned as Ships
ofM.H. Navy . . .2727
Hospital Ships . . .2731
Indian Navy . . . ,2858
New Zealand . . . .2851
South African . . . .2847
Store 2733
Royal Fleet Auxiliaries . .2733
Ships Badges Committee . . 1942
Shipwright Lieutenants, List of, in
Seniority ..... 917 Shipwrights, Commissioned and
Warrant 947
Shore Signal Service, Officers of .1075
Shore Wireless Service, Officers of . 1075 Shotley Barracks (see under 'Ganges') . Sick Quarters Abroad, Surgeons and
Agents at 2013
Sierra Leone Naval Volunteer Force . 1802 Signal Boatswains, Commissioned,
List of, in Seniority . . . 940
Signal Boatswains, List of, in Seniority 941 Signal Boatswains,Temporary,List of,
in Seniority . . . .941
Signal Department . . . .1890
Signal Lieutenants, List of, in Seniority 855 Signal Establishment . . . 1986
South Africa —
Naval Forces of . . . 1788
Ships of 2847
Staff Course, List of Officers who
have taken . . .2742
Statistical Adviser to the Fifth Sea
Lord 1933
Stewards, Commissioned and Warrant,
List of, in Seniority . . . 983
Stewards Warrant, Temporary . 983
Straits Settlements, R.N.V.R. . .1806
Sub-Lieutenants, List of, in Seniority 856
Sub-Lieutenants, Acting, List of, in
Seniority ..... 858 Sub-Lieutenant, Temporary Acting,
List of 859
Sub-Lieutenants (A), List of, in
Seniority . . . . .871
Sub-Lieutenants (A), Acting, List of,
in Seniority . . . .871
Sub-Lieutenants (E), List of, in
Seniority ..... 887 Sub-Lieutenants (E), Acting, List of,
in Seniority .... 888
Sub-Lieutenants (E), Temporary,
List of 889
Supply Officers, Commissioned and
Warrant, Lists of, in Seniority . 979 Surgeon Rear-Admirals, List of, in
Seniority 897
Surgeon Rear-Admirals, Temporary,
List of 897
Surgeon Captains, List of, in Seniority 897 Surgeon Commanders, List of, in
Seniority "..... 898 Surgeons, Honorary, to the King . 802 Surgeon Lieutenant-Commanders, List
of, in Seniority . . . .901
Surgeon Lieutenants, List of, in
Seniority ..... 903 Surgeon Captains (D) . . . 904
Surgeon Commanders (D) . . 904
Surgeon Lieutenant-Commanders (D),
List of, in Seniority . . . 905
Surgeon Lieutenants (D) . . . 905
Surveying Service . . . .2753
Tanganyika Naval Volunteer Force .1802 Teaching Stafif, Dockyard Schools .2010 Technical Costing Section . . 1945
Telegraphist Lieutenants, List of . 855 Telegraphists, Commissioned and
Warrant, List of, in Seniority . 942
Temporary Instructor Lieutenants . 895 Torpedo Depots .... 1979 Torpedo Experimental Establishment,
Greenock . .. .' . .1989
Torpedo Factory .... 1980 Torpedo School, Devonport {see under
' Defiance '). Torpedo School, Portsmouth [see under
' Vernon '). Torpedoes and Mining Department .1911 Training and Staff Duties Division of
Naval Staff 1888
Transport Department, Sea . . 1944
Transport Officers, List of . . 1944 Trinidad Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve 1808
Unexploded Bomb Department .1922
Vice-Admiral of the United Kingdom 803 Vice-Admirals, List of, in Seniority . 806 Vice- Admirals of Ireland . .2015
Vice-Admirals of the Coast of Great
Britain 2015
Victualling Department . . . 1926
Victualling Yards, Principal and other
Officers in 1970
Volunteer Cadet Corps . . .1591
Volunteer Reserve, Royal Naval [see
under Royal Naval Volunteer
War and Port War Signal Stations,
Royal Naval, Officers employed at 1074 War College, Royal Naval . . 2009
Wardmaster Lieutenants . .918
Wardmasters, Commissioned and
Warrant, List of, in Seniority . 974 Wardmaster, Temporary Warrant . 975 Warrant Air Mechanic, List of, in
Seniority 947
Warrant Aircraft Officers, List of,
in Seniority .... 946
Warrant Aircraft Officers, Temporary,
List of, in Seniority . . . 947
Warrant Cooks, List of, in Seniority 982 Warrant Cook, Temporary . . 982
Warrant Electricians, List of, in
Seniority ..... 964 Warrant Electricians, Temporary,
List of 965
Warrant Engineers, List of, in Seni- ority 954
Warrant Engineers, Temporary, List
of 957
Warrant Masters-at-Arms, List of, in
Seniority . . . . . 944
Warrant Masters-at-Arms, Tem- porary, List of . . . . 944 Warrant Mechanicians, List of, in
Seniority . . . . .961
Warrant Mechanicians, Temporary,
List of 961
Warrant Air Officers (O) . . . 945
Warrant Air Officers (O), Temporary 945 Warrant Ordnance Officers, List of, in Seniority .... 963
Warrant Ordnance Officers, Temp-' orary . . . . .963
Warrant Photographers . . . 947
Warrant Photographers, Temporary 947
Warrant Recruiters, List of, in Seniority ..... 983
Warrant Shipwrights, List of, in Seniority 947
Warrant Shipwrights, Temporary . 949
Warrant Stewards, List of, in Seni- ority 983
Warrant Stewards, Temporary . 983
Warrant Supply Officers, List of, in Seniority 979
Warrant Supply Officers, Temporary, List of 980
Warrant Telegraphists, List of, in Seniority ..... 942
Warrant Telegraphists, Temporary, List of 943
Warrant Wardmasters, List of, in Seniority ..... 975
Wanant Wardmasters, Temporary,
List of 975
Warrant Writers, List of, in Seniority 976 Warrant Writers, Temporary, List of 977 War Savings Committee, H.M. Forcesl942 Wireless Reserve, Royal Naval
Volunteer 1590
Wireless Telegraphy Board . .1941
Women's Royal Naval Service —
Headquarters .... 1933
Alphabetical List of Officers . 751
Officers of, in Seniority List .1601
Works Districts . . . .1965
Writers, Commissioned and Warrant,
Lists of 976
Zanzibar Naval Volunteer Force
CO, SSS . |
A . |
. Admiral. |
AF . |
. Admiral of the Fleet. |
CO, SWS. |
. Acting Paymaster Sub- |
Lieutenant. |
Cr . |
. Acting Sub-Lieutenant. |
Cr (A) |
A S L (A) |
. Acting Sub-Lieutenant (A). |
Cr (E) . |
A S L (E) |
. Acting Sub-Lieutenant (E). |
cwo |
B . |
. Boatswain. |
B (A/S) |
. Boatswain (A/S). |
EA . |
B (C/M) |
. Boatswain (C/M). |
EC . |
B (PRT) |
. Boatswain (PRT). |
ECr. |
Bndr. |
. Bandmaster, Royal Marines. |
EL . |
C . |
. Captain |
ELCr |
C(A) |
. Captain (A). |
C(E) |
. Captain (E). |
Cd AO |
. Commissioned Aircraft Officer. |
El L Cr . |
CdB |
. Commissioned Boatswain. |
Cd Bndr |
. Commissioned Bandmaster, |
Royal Marines. |
Gr . |
CdCk |
. Commissioned Cook. |
Gr (T) |
CdEl |
. Commissioned Electrician. |
Hdmr L Cr |
CdEng |
. Commissioned Engineer. |
CdGr |
. Commissioned Gunner. |
Hdmr L . |
CdM |
. Commissioned Mechanician. |
Hon A |
CdM |
"\ Commissioned Master Tailor, J Royal Marines. |
HonL |
Tailor |
InC |
. Commissioned Master-at- |
InCr |
Arms. |
InL |
CdOO |
. Commissioned Ordnance Officer. |
In L Cr . |
. Commissioned Royal Marine |
L . |
Gunner. |
L(A) |
CdSB |
. Commissioned Signal Boat- |
swain. |
LCr |
CdSh |
. Commissioned Shipwright. |
L Cr (A) . |
CdSO |
. Commissioned Supply Officer. |
L Cr (E) . |
Cd St Mj |
. Commissioned Sergeant Major |
L(E) |
Royal Marines. |
Meth Ch . |
CdT |
. Commissioned Telegraphist. |
Mid . |
Cdt . |
. Cadet. |
Mid (A) . |
Cdt Mid |
. Cadet Midshipman, R.A.N. |
Mid (E) . |
CdW |
. Commissioned Writer. |
OL . |
Cd Wdr |
. Commissioned Wardmaster. |
OLCr |
Ch . |
. Chaplain. |
ChF |
. Chaplain of the Fleet. |
PC . |
Ch Schm |
. Chief Schoolmaster, Royal |
PCdt |
Marines. |
PCr |
ChSkr |
. Chief Skipper, Royal Naval |
PL . |
Reserve. |
PLCr |
CI . |
. Chief Inspector, Royal Marine |
Police. |
PMid |
CO, P C S |
. Chief Officer, Permanent |
Cruiser Service. |
Pres Ch . |
Chief Officer, Shore Signal Service.
Chief Officer, Shore Wireless Service.
Commander (A).
Commander (E).
Commissioned Officer from Warrant Rank.
Engineer Rear-Admiral.
Engineer Captain.
Engineer Commander.
Engineer Lieutenant.
Engineer Lieutenant-Com- mander.
Electrical Lieutenant.
Electrical Lieutenant-Com- mander.
Engineer Vice- Admiral.
Gunner (T).
Headmaster Lieutenant-Com- mander.
Headmaster Lieutenant.
Honorary Admiral.
Honorary Lieutenant.
Instructor Captain.
Instructor Commander.
Instructor Lieutenant.
Instructor Lieutenant-Com- mander.
Lieutenant (A).
Lieutenant-at- Ar ms .
Lieuten ant-Commander. Lieutenant-Commander (A) . Lieutenant-Commander (E) . Lieutenant (E). Methodist Chaplain. Midshipman. Midshipman (A). Midshipman (E). Ordnance Lieutenant. Ordnance Lieutenant-Com- mander. Paymaster Captain. Paymaster Cadet. Paymaster Commander. Paymaster Lieutenant. Paymaster Lieutenant-Com- mander. Paymaster Midshipman. Paymaster Rear- Admiral. Presbyterian Chaplain.
P S L . Paymaster Sub-Lieutenant. R A . Rear-Admiral.
R C Ch . Roman Catholic Chaplain. R M . Royal Marines.
Bt L Col Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel,
Royal Marines. C . . Captain, Royal Marines.
ColComdt Colonel Commandant, Royal
Marines. Col 2nd \ Colonel 2nd Commandant,
Comdt J Royal Marines. G . . Royal Marine Gunner.
Gen . General, Royal Marines. L . . Lieutenant, Royal Marines.
L Col . Lieutenant-Colonel, Royal
Marines. L Gen . Lieutenant-General, Royal
Marines. Maj Gen Major-General, Royal Marines. S C . Superintending Clerk, Royal
Marines. S S M . Staff Sergeant Major, Royal
Marines. S M . Sergeant Major, Royal
Marines. 2nd L . Second Lieutenant, -Royal
Marines. W M \ Warrant Master Tailor, Royal Tailor / Marines. SB. . Signal Boatswain.
Schm. . Schoolmaster. Schm Cdte Schoolmaster Candidate. Schm \ Schoolmaster holding the rank
(C W O) J of Commissioned Officer from Warrant Rank. \ Senior Chief Officer, Shore J Signal Service, i Senior Chief Officer, Shore J Wireless Service. . Sub-Divisional Inspector,
Royal Marine Police. . Senior Master. . Surgeon Captain. . Surgeon Captain (D). . Surgeon Commander. . Surgeon Commander (D). . Surgeon Lieutenant. . Surgeon Lieutenant-Com- mander.
Sg L Cr (D) Surgeon Lieutenant-Com- mander (D). Surgeon Lieutenant (D). Surgeon Rear-Admiral. Surgeon Vice-Admiral. ShipwTight Lieutenant. Shipwright Lieutenant-Com- mander. Sig L . Signal Lieutenant.
Skr . . Skipper, Royal Naval Reserve.
S L . . Sub-Lieutenant.
S L (A) . Sub-Lieutenant (A). S L (E) . Sub-Lieutenant (E).
Sen Mr
Sg C (D)
Sg Cr (D)
Sg L (D)
TL .
NP .
TP .
Superintendent, Royal Marine Police.
Telegraphist Lieutenant.
Telegraphist Lieutenant-Com- mander.
Vice- Admiral.
Warrant Air Mechanic.
Warrant Aircraft Officer.
Warrant Cook.
Wardmaster Lieutenant.
Warrant Electrician.
Warrant Engineer.
Warrant Master-at-Arms.
Warrant Mechanician.
Warrant Ordnance Officer.
Warrant Observer.
Warrant Photographer.