22 DIVINITY AVENUE - CAMBRIDGE : MASSACHUSETTS 02138 * U.S.A. Tel. (617) 495-2366
Correspondence between George Bentham and Asa Gray of Harvard University between 1839 and 1883. Original material is in the Archives, Library of the Gray Herbarium, Harvard University.
Cite as: George Bentham Letters, Historic Letters File, Archives, Library of the Gray Herbarium, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
The material may be reproduced solely for scholarly research. Permission to
ee Gpet FE 09 20g ewe Fe SU A eg to “6 i i etn MD Ne gc Ty cone Hees, ag goer Tete _ et Aen aint cima saa !
ere geen flew —Zzrasr SG ty Sa a £ as at FH en orond om gor gers. E ipa a De CE Tyna or 10 FHP Beat felbE Cte Eve a er eeeer Oe ma ape Wie toneg “pepe” oe foc Ber Cee and Acad foo ree aan ee caer i cae Bere Perea of Sate any’ Aen
Cage. he | Aeecer . fo (td Oy Ke ort. ave sak eget Wiig Se ft A try PES phe - BOEEX tr a sti! Cnegperee | eae ie aes Zi peer Loa
Kec hell BE 4 teOI Gewcee ae et wr fave a 7? eae
ee Pig ter (eyrrre cin poche Te en Pvfle Cite. |
laceneAiccwa Tl Aaah oot AE eR os
FOr an kee EE: SE = rege ee Le erga eg) +h gene
et agen A) deere
pie ey ae oe J eae a ae ase x — fe © Aga Se ages LA
j Ag C7 Ae OW fli-—al ote afl.
poe tion wane Pinan Plans wet ote ee aie iyp nt al Pow gl Cts nn iit: CTLEES, Prison
fect mt Ayre. ty Cotten ee FUR > ep ee it tno Fo, opty met hie
SE ee os ge he
<i SSS tend arent past saaiag ghee
Capetimacin, A és
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cevenaifin Po peat for Goon ood Ps Be | G pceaegi capitin ee TA pee Ven ee ie boleh os
te fade fat 5 gow FE et due 7 Ae? ecw Ker 1 con cinerea Laat pase hiss gi tae ra
ee Ae ae Lees wert ee Pager oY :
tp Cepia [00 052) ig a ay ee
Ba fff r > opus plo
LR FLrtta_
[fav Casn Pia veers A 7 AS _ ween cccegece Cif Cistey SEAHAM ¢ Alisa cuss FE eee Pl ec gee
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65 Ssiteiliah ceweegs aepuck Are HEP Game ae £ Lacon ae HAs MAT GLT Crit
COW : Lot en CPR iodad CEREAL a accel Voce J fetcet _fiten rarer Aces DP oe i ac dice ad Litcomtin pater fore ih Aca? oy Col 2H Vals Pani 47 «teed, Ogg wee At wet greet Aa Chimrcdcesy fh } Dlhicletetae o Wt a eAtenen ay Bee cB art oP long appry~ntE cet eed a. 1Aeshh | cheff eee ae Zb- Mig tececce70e_» site 720 atrial ected wT BheerT appre Alitry ander 4, fo PLD apes i rertach 7 fino Gee cre Clin
% V pcrigst G00 Ze oe Cbs Ags c yh Ao ‘a Feces : pal Pte. yirery Las LEL LED, aeons? a ! a -
Lacy Le Leaeg PE fe FAR ' a é ,
fe Ly pePereronrner ¥
wr, Te pd “ a Th o% E or oem
ft a
Aid prerrrne. fp wepet-eLl FOr, acd fo~ LEO 3 ot ae MOG
" Coa Aa
fetal & pope re em i hall
me Sec KL 0? MOG!
yes Shay y Zo LA PL OLLYLIG ae a Zoe Jest,
aerate Zo <4ECG aa le¢twttt1t—y VF Palo CNA Zee ee ae 2 : : : “ee - LA Ztcch SSeS fase. oS Ze. ~ ha
ye a) CALE LCL AACICLK Eee ay) Aa Lt LORS -c ZS cep Ai EL Pee as GLY yet, AKIO eee ee Fvt2co® Lp ie J epee Ae, ALOAT hz a A PAG AT DF Antu Py ae i Fe Se ee juve Phiakins op tod brag 2a oe eee > ifethich 7—fehr aot ZC (fl PCOS Dee a am. een a gitt4 EA Pet Zen Aone ey, Pisin tod, Ao stiane dure “ee. Beta TEP ee Lar.» 9.0 «A apf Hl Seat 77H pice J Lire Kone cee boon ceth peoPe¢ FG peed Ee ge Hy OEY La A CALEF - LiF ore ad Ach gry CAS fees er Ylas gree oY Cote Yap he he sheave | te spAed Corte foi eC Gok one Mee. | (Mets fl vogng, Cofirs a Aiprery CE Raters, us Db rorru™ wind Ce Fs hens o a Coed Ber i ere Pa 0) Sef 2k bor eg eh net ofr Hee joes BA€¢ gape eet Bee SAA A fie a Mga 2Aag te Pre “? Alive Eas) ere a Be ae Bb Geres her ce gay Marr Oo yee Pen rO ne t ALG ge : . fas tarivim = A De0 i! Lar LOY Betty Ie (Za c oh: AL paoceng fev Cigrtinn ae a Ll wn ae
itty typ fin otk Or Fee 2 Cire A Ve 2 Bic? wftls Hla” J gpe ih Feo.
A. Cree be Ged, (fe f- 2 ae CALC Aa Lx
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tC EOD K oy CLE Lf
ee HL a Coe oa
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4) . C4 De 4 _ Pe SO Pa a at AOL RL yee Looe tert oT feed Ly oO
s pf ah 78 rte fAen foumr GhT ZH
ae FA oe 5 Z , és aes aw Plt - Shey eho ne cd Zt 2 Deve) Fez LM reel Ylbiet Z “a pele. Bia Seok: ; Beek eG; CxO 24 CULE Za Mbiig.. Pee Sie yes < von _ yw gu OLS aga bh liek hes, Mijtet Pe a <<
aC IF ice) ave Liuved ZB Fe Cae P44C4 tee, ee Oe Le Pa pe ae 21 T Ae Lee cee i ved) poo MAA gta
be Ata J Ptr € a er Sin seen oree’) OLDE LO rile Lid AZo oe Ma 0 ‘cs0d it A eg Fete go thrc“gi Zz hgihaoke:
eh tr Lee AH aa
by MO Oe
Aux JOE wees 4
a 2tG, Pf
CO 2aC Altg”
ae tA ee RUE Die nee Ie
et apy Liar ZF aor cy fia Joep fee Morcae,, La De both,
a a & eee Lees a4 ae hon ¢ IE CO >it ihe LC gay» 4 of 9 pf ie,
Via dee os Canal er FB Bay oe. Gat Ze
a fetas jul eatin
CLL 4 wat Abie C eal — a tae
A te te, f ee Th Zhi POL) Goa
org Ey a
FAL as hee” EE pera res aes Fen em
Pe Ltt. _Ct4AC 211
iba te Fa PLT reeteeette. Pia oe eae ant £408 Pre A. Cig we Fee,
Coe atk atowu? hia CL dite J tae. Gear ct ies Ware (Oe: 2. Zp te s epee Bee, Zs wt Ga un hac Are Aone Ride wa ee ee am sapee
Art p) Ka Lt7ttit.a pte
AVA te ta free TAL 2 Cr ene
x A Zi. De Ze.
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— foruldr ay Voge cg fee 5 G Vanthe Be eee ts BON) WED: ag e a ce ACPA! ALAC CATE
BA tpee retro freee. thy a2e/Atthe La CtutA. 2 Sea ReO FB oc Zee cc
Ablow Zhi A ee po ELE cs hicHone) oe OE EZ SALE Lg me COz,
At E,.
fea PERG RAD afty mig fort ao a at GAA aA fie 4 in oy Fhe a4 as i re LLP LOE to of SM PEELE Fite, 2 an titel Coleen Bh pyiclly aes a LF AMD OCA a Hee 4
Za GO Cr fort of Cyz4 thugFA BAL COP Ziv S
Hu ean Yn ae, 7 costo Ree LC 0 “tb Zita” LEA
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_pThech Git Gel we Ta tp ALD’, BG« pe SES) sees aA LY SH nd | fice Aa If FA ae cc is A Pies, Aw Lt om ca pty Fz. i ds LOCAL ahs Dee Bye ii
a ¢ PLEOAAL | {
za ree kone i
4 9 4 Bee “7 fe Ay, cologiea de feu? eee, as tees BELGROL ED PEE age ie N.
fy Ae a a A eee jn Pte tO | OG, Aeeu Kop ts ae iG eh freed Site Sa pWU10 tn $e vabewts,
vA Va te tint
oe La std ree Eee ge: , fea BO Le.
sly «et Pig 2 who Gees Mi Seog LOS PF Ey? A Fo tas LP 07 9- 4 a
tuctAry oo fates tea 72t Ag Les tie Bi
gp Ctl. Hh O>Pgteticecz7ce a
ae ext
Linco | Fiesaly te LE ape Gu 2 aE
Ya NT LHe Ata Bete 12 jp Le OS DOE LCE
OZ ee Hip Ate 20 FFE ABCA Ler Fite oes
athe Lu (2g ee ZZ to Ze a ag Ph FE Fg oe ea ee
Ap i fps, fs te elie Badr et ; Chee Leet" J Kee Pola
fleas. es Bs LECH chen ce Gee Pen Ew ae epsranae: Wes ah Marg Fabre
Pee fae GOD t BD
LA Arte fo =)
ryt a
‘ ies . FES SOE aEe Oop ae oe AON ve tte Lhews,
f (ee Len wed a y ae CEA CO LCLALLA
B24 ra
& & | Z |
a 23, | Minha, Pee LP LS |
: ee we | Ae elil Saye fi einen oem tet eae es a oe 7 THe, Sf? core Go Fe eo Aer ea
cond THe Pe laladem Gu fclozuer@ 24 1 Vetevath 2¢ Lege ie fe ee ce tetfec Att) al feel Leet ZEA Atic?
cea tan « Nteronchie Ken NS 3 oor AD i, Apply # Ali eaH ZA a
; 2 Lipet Pweg? pee wie Jig Iu ez Ze jis co LP CEPR BE on ee ete Bie free Pieper Lets nye Lo ar ia COLL atlyove. 200 eA tect ' wy Go gl? tetiire Of He far Clee 2 Liittex FG Lf Leer. Leta, EF Be ath Bena — prcer thine dha apts tr2td Defluce? ee Kin CU th perel 7, lye | Zé: het? op Z “.)
a At ee: LAcatta * feet” ia Ae, Te, S78 god ay ce Ctl se, Cee i his @ttr_ceiye—|
Oz StctaAl Oe ___
a Ow. Lar. ‘i 3 — [pO hevtya MAD 16 0 c0n pte AD Ko en tnte Fon ie 0) Acme Cy : — ‘ eh. 7 a8
(el Ooigtifc fork 9 7 Pordu Atonds 2a b fffeode arcu) Afom
ey tee Aaa Porn,
: Der ye kM . s
CR Mg ho fa Bs eres ne ae Se, 1 : e 7 £ ylorasef torn Pishin edb ugcs, jt ts C ee sa Se hanea eae C7. KO] a. Leth Vo BavGhod, En27, elt cola an 4 ta at desea dibs ge Makara os Od Vea fo tl Laue Git OF Amrrvresan Grete; : ~ gar 7 1g WcKt ae, (Conffiy Beth) . oe | | eg ee go £. tenitorn (let oy £ “Dee, 7 LON 6. | we yng Sect ri _chewrozeda ee LR ESO if tT i cat | Kost . aad A ; LM atuctyt Pek + Lory. : ~ aa S.
[Vv (bin. (Aaa ald ee TE pte Le poy ~ ‘ Z. Lhe or neo’ ce , pe z et lied 5 cam ae | ee es j é ot
Set? Oheuds cottons Ov. vigloriler otedirae S$. Cetin fey ten Oat
FRE Degli, Gti, Rass J ; If. crngeta Ford Jie Bbliafirtia ChevTt eo Porta
OF cape bog |. 9 ft Cteranle ee AGS a chelliwhoti ey A Abs
: ADs. Creel feuta Lt f tah hea Fired As Lee Anditmy Figg 1+ Fi acorn gee cen, Vas 4A Si cncun gor Aen ae Prez? SL, Z8F.
fea on ‘ Mb, ey Ph& Col a L& Peffiiceedp—2F Leewce wm Yo gieatl petri si ta knuey yw page ee or . A220. > Bpe pS fete eg Abtet Zo“
OCU tc: PEGA 020? cre
GP PC Ct- Bono ton a ee Se eee gach
eZ tba diay ee ZO Cortie onwK
ee Can Aecd
. a;
lyr! OY es
A tye cetue, OY Bagels Bette 9
a Horticultural Society's Garden, Chiswick.
Libri bh BE /Lb
I beg to inform you that the under-mentioned Articles
have been this day despatched to Fe fa Gas , PrLinrse> $42d ore? 6 Borebrcalge) JA Je ee eer apa Late are is Sem em,
in dain with your request of FarLf= tere
Your most obedient Servant, Be Y a OP oc LitZp AOA
xe : c LE r ae eiage Cor Tha te Begs Vice Sa
N Y4
The Carrier has been authorised to make the following charges.* s. d. Paid to the Garden for Package, and charged
GREET TIOP, Pree 9 bs iste) Sus ig Mie, ate CArplage TQ ROMO Ry. ey ie is Pes Se
Total €
* In consequence of the trouble and inconvenience of remitting to the Garden the small charges made for the package of plants, the Garden Committee have arranged that they should in future be at once paid by the Carrier, and by him charged onwards to the parties to whom the parcels are addressed,
| patra haliforria — 26— lertd fret, (G Uaea) bag La Le See EI NTS Pi a a eRe hs ee
, a i Cs File = ator. NE speed for cL, ty Pe zs ah aig) % fin gor PL LY ot aneAe
—Z pt vies man care oe peed réx deseo Oe Ge
yy HES. Sic OCT FOU |
y Letty
j a FOP ee fee; Ser BOPeOn” Ow, G Otel Herd pte thtuD OC ACC ¢ Cte,
nel rope os g eer onan Seory Se tpenthea 2x,
; Res
| eB fle Ato 20 gece SK cv Aad
AU of gouy - back hg
eee ee rave ore
Of Fhe we alrite oh s 7el7 Sorcctastivin teteteh SH por ~ ithe Ceo
as Se Boe cer Deh Morag $+ how or 43 one roo Soir tepo Nisha Gk ies! ewe $640 ~
TIS ~ Sgn 27 wong frre ~ WI77h Laced Wk pee rw POO AOL ee sever » Page
fe aR cake
tea GerttHex Bforeo) tym cued Wire a 0 hype rian foaled ea ce4
re seme
CO acttpel, » hc? “p ad FEAGND
guts ES EM SE Ne Fa Oh gf Cm senna
167A A, cuteforrniey, _ ve
SOSH 4idla. CCots ™ L657 FFG pola ocx tee ede, SbO3~ lacecece, Z 2
4 a ets a (A Oe peat f ettwvr a 2 A ; a = a Ly A, j UCAE? Cia Cig By fecttiten
0 Ae pee, Powe freed you Y
i ; : atys tivo or Aru, eke Fved<- L703 Wogech aX che oo LZ lowek, J otine Cogesnecetroe,
/ } 4 a /h-A fie wl lbenno Fon y Iv fis, “HF se
/ 4 . | (eet rhea fot. nye C7 /C ;
LGC Geccvterebery fot ng Grn. tomes / §
: : 7 Tinta C4
Bay dle itera 22, Di
Led D5 Dee: ir tae aac) DOr wee CECT Ce tf $e g ee LF : mere ay 4 a Ae tf er ES et LHe ce, aoe c2 Aw’ ZAG 5 Atictietlif<leyer 2 LAA Kee facet, LAr Ce See Ci CO } Ue hi et a YY oe Leen CET ¢ a4 lets “air ean AS fence P>20 2
LZ. ee - OA LCLr? EE, Yect+tg tia tie et
CHAE AAT ei ie e erst git Dies } us wan wy y Ore es CET Vaio
Jotietls $l) JP
Chote Agee han geet pecpe Tce,
Se Le (a fore Aid bois fi far CLE, ees elegy Ran ab
pest J
Lon SAMO anne pee Lox
fae — exe Tree
Sourr a 2h a Pitas aT)
Alxeg, ICRA PAK @ p20 Lylipespug
4 pang, Mente ff *
yy ECE ae
EBs ga AE Sto pat oof Bare lowe, “7M 3 Je you Aon Zager Or pAon, : Of (heen Fhe cece ~ <a Aco Hite OUD I an FES cane, ae
Vi o8orle Cocina“
Sf Oe
SOc a ybubdD vf ~7Phtigg PO Ne PO
SUES Ce Lao 49 ee
ee pecalh Sata a x Poi baaadd die. eens Leer Ho pect teh ices y oe ae he ES a aan me cece Amex PeMtUrety, ance 2 eel Zit and oe ze ay sein JP RAMAN AD : MY Ob b cbapedi eine ETE ~ A pubercent ud Journ, SA 2 cop oe >a pecs ~ Lan gid Forty, nae Aas Fla ; tr ie rete tah cen, WAY J Povezen plandclna For ~ / ds neta cerZaiu Lita? ECP ep a zecere_. ware 6 a cee fier ree 10 He Bin pe cess <acctiidt, Filidtir, ve, DOr oped Fated fe aa A - ates =e 7LP Chases yet: Ahk ) 72 Midsaesaes Bont TCT Le G chide troctia A seer i fisig y oe ese Basar sda Petters ) peeeerte eayegiy,
war ug . ne pa 9 7 fe Bey, ey
SI $~ Acaca ARG qom., belgara Misdeflora) glateo, Le he eeig, elpuly aitisivlge worrtit ve , ftrnd £2 GH / ype CA SELBY op cegin Aelia hence gt ol Lite fac pip errs decadent POCO: ety J8 Pied Se” 5 ” eee. Yolen. Sey et pri Coreeecttion 24 6 tx LOnG0 , nti lity ad me Ltndeclbe 7 IL ee geecncerane ad fos AtnKecm , Koter te, ng Decch , Caco, La Gb te APGa 4-9 ta. oth, flere Preeerate— 4 ahecwnn rogeeteg teenernen , Dtbin cute es @ Aethiars , freer <efe - seer dre ccee tate Wigte A - Pit, an AES Ee a ae od Aree cean giheuinBig fen ted comge at ee ently Hep Corgis, fee CALHEPE | Mahe peretig “nro” Hebe RAG the _ gate. Leta apathateda, tem Fae reetecn na, ee, CLve C4 eth Leal, Se catfish nee cay yet Dory torn. iy cc cecee elipitatin, 23fen Lorgii at A.G Lea’ Azim , Tier Sfteces, etecteht gre cM. te erec eI ae ok Cle can eecy ot fete toc: ‘a ser ty HO ee fi OW Ate; > ( a Clk SE SRP OES : es 0 tyes cata ee aN “so aad SED eS ea Rigi eas eis sited or
| ate tat, 21cecety AHMatenKm Hace ee ae, rch ee "iinet
nuoreindhiy ethe,| femur
et dave eee Ce sect te titan Lb Lin on gteern Resentetey_ fetish aig, contmusmty $4 FG Lom ga ‘gt, fea Avttaly- as aston Siautnte flares etegatee siyteln KbtetA Giltrags fo C LOxgA, at Cen Cela Jha a daa here Frm 24t et aren _s Leese’ wee ot tigin, Lbete wircatin LLLP (SEG wtaora . ee ee —
lad noah ani LG saan Ft
eee Face
nig acrtld da igcten a eee wei tapa VTC Cor seta, 4-4-Agtiace, a ee: Crecmy atin 5-6 Cu Cra, orci CALS,
. Lateatiam, pl igi. , yee elated #9 , fortes “ve. ede gee? eat Copcceene BO Lattiny
: aoneta prete tii Jtrcecint, page
[ebrencetes frien ra; gusget Mtord Rigusien A Ac Onpun, 7 Lit deadly Aart a cetaen A Loco Seale , frteacen, Lemceetlee- wckég ca cecceey p eecor gene tenet LHC OY, atthegd ZEA Getececen San fo we D> La oh Geen tu oo ,. CUSES pes Lee tonegg, 73g La Miaedro ses Parea Lageten | 12 fg St, Cottcandrn confe/ le, GH, Aiccwe dey narceety Actes gue flee Cer rly Fadi ositi CNY GLI, Teather! PLUAGA farce “Kaige es Ae M eM eetet; relay OPED 2
eae peel wi z cu. eps te
oF A IELEE?, agra ghalpean rete. Peoneete yas
De Be ABenccccthey rigtiels <p % Fee. tgs AG ri ae:
atten FeCee a Me og glace aes — Ad ete, reuhs wet Wa Wilde
i ecxgnneme rr
pee ag thor, 23 feu. Covegee.. Detti” Mh pee Pecares , eee weccce fis
Acar 2 fotiald core hevta uA kong Amba eect ecctBe a ae A ee ae 4 lady, recugHuary , Come (apie fawn Bef tows, wAncton G$ Cee:
Lorgh . Latyy flex atom Conger, ensuctrarastrg, Girecct fr Seuiateg VC ~
LO- Brarcein aretlin fererrsinn ‘ aegecucen de a a rg con F eg hated, abe wegese "ee acopbicc reer nF e A Jn sb! , Jan Pececcctie eee LPP Za Or cee Lo reuSective, j) Zzzg B
5 ‘
SP Pumeays Leg (Aeacea cong 4) 000 « Croteloea ae we Op of pectonstorun Prax Can ie a Fb teccescin 7
Q fra Lodde Cede ae Heed ergofr~,
pias xo lilagen cece cig ey Aid foorod oH Cigice Orte tec Lt Lp oe ead os pee p AEP ree ae acct lomgiorctce | cageile gato | J Lorrediceg JEL ALLAG LE, igceveccece- grate ig eas <ceLeFrvicto PO Lak - pies 1 flame Pie cela
ta. 2 (a geceren Lota oe, Han Jean Sao. eels fione AEA Mie tigeecee, Zee ae~ dati: sre
bhead) a 2th Seg mcg erat Aicl fejeth glatocuy Pie Caflel paaeaege ened lectin) foowin ¢ THe tea, Lng) we? MEE Ce ZLLOrre. Pitan one pcr oy caeG fecal pe oe ate Cac2k ag Aa, Lee? Pe een hac Gee oe eee a => Cie eo Ls rcadret A<- Gua ee ee Zee Bis Py
asad : cotati cece). ed aes rtAA rue? “Aawe cn re Pa
Beacon /LieGacer eg Cree ex , gata Ps seceweett gtecterecte, Pepeelis yeccttitg aS tyetlave, feea LOD Glare oF Longer, freee RSS aoe fetal 40 ~ tpg ee ee ea vale aP legos 2 alevig 0. aceLew ceoZr pea ant sees apg ctacctey - agyloa | flovclca repel lie fletieredr cae ae
DrseecPrccen + eicawii, ovenid piipelals glare, Legiccecicee AL Aiuar glauw nog, ante Groctierity atecety Keg DucleG
Cece an Crete G0 ey abe) tig Paper Zz Steg 2P. 29 .
(pitied t6 A. Acar ee es ees De Weg tter’ Liu? yer Dep tte flrorn CoM THe ef he ore aloo?” 3 thee, aed rene LG, a hex Cron.) ee ees wee ge ee ee aed a fxn, neT at atl crrerK 4 ofa Deeded fe ree cack oti Fhe are eects Ae pe aet ey po EP Goce, Coreg , Zit corolla eAeGY a Bore? goce Liace, 7b food at Lacy 9 tech, tong ee oree Cek frood, coven Ste Sore aie per: anaeond peeks of a Fete h flict aad flere Co ttre Cedeea
Aan Plead 77 Ge tneg tea
ar ongere cece Ny gatcceen Gf" Of e Wne hee Pipe De TEE re EO FENG ree tag LOY RE ROS PRS ae, Sn memes, a Sangre aa
Aakir~ /
Senet date AERA forqvtsecnst Cote AE befl arin. cee Pak el (hy
Lo. LOSI AMUN DLA Dectrra, Go, ctputl; Cate 2a2e,, cancel Alar Ceiry eu frectercts epleBeclori:, fuses kr bflipe’ cin tupac recuse apo CrercLer JPriaalad cele freterc cepctipiey Avy glitetre loon, tteptllt Geen ene pletion eceegeek Aatee| Ayeenite PAG. tie Cetera ee cancel om Aker 2° ( ferecceet a redesign a nies adie cat SEDES | Kein <7 Se a recaetia Fe ae Peercee conte Fi vee gs pel ps pt Fe Cetpuer neyory plate pomwtie rasrin goumen cet ae = rela ceren £2, Kegecsceey SALE Pe a: tip tO eae Pe Ee OH. Frew Peel 2acatzes CoceLtia )®
- Jolt CHR _ oe lee et lea i i Gare de ee teva, lag teal coraclng Ka tier Aiton, Mi fred we cas noel ee Pete — Sloe more ede eo
vlipittle: placate aig ce Rae, Aging pant pcacduines a
ve legeet to glactrlers weep cre Raa,
on & deter. Littl PofGlery tu 409 on.
LE fy LEO LEA i tecihety ye om QetepceLLOrn . rg fecctu Te Pez “Regie ¢ abe or feneey BS igs Cece, LAAL AX Pccce GRRE wees his Acer Caley: 4 pegitie Qeuze zip “iti yz tecidul ore
it J Yin,
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